
Assessing Clay Flocculation Impacts on Florida Red Tide

Full Title: A promising Florida Red Tide control strategy: combining stakeholder input and benthic surveys to evaluate impacts of clay flocculation
In this study, the efficacy and safety of clay flocculation as a red tide control strategy will be evaluated, leveraging previous and ongoing research efforts. The project aims to address critical gaps in knowledge about the impacts of clay on microbial, infaunal, and macrobenthic communities, while also focusing on research opportunities for underrepresented students and comprehensive outreach programs to engage underserved community members.
Lead Investigator: Lead investigator: Dr. Kristy Lewis assistance professor, Dr. Salvador Almagro-Moreno, Dr. Emily Hall Mote Marine Laboratory, Dr. Donald Anderson Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Project Team: Armando Ubeda Florida Sea Grant
Collaborator: Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Award Amount: $186,872
Year Funded: 2022
Award Period: 2/1/22 – 1/31/25
Project Abstract:

Red tide, caused by Karenia brevis, is a recurring harmful algal bloom in the Gulf of Mexico, posing significant threats to marine ecosystems and human health along the west coast of Florida. The adverse impacts extend beyond ecological damage, with economic losses stemming from declines in fish stocks, disruptions to tourism, and market closures. Despite increased attention and funding for harmful algal bloom (HAB) control strategies, effective measures remain elusive, primarily due to the complex nature of bloom management and the lack of comprehensive research on viable solutions. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of clay flocculation as a red tide control strategy, leveraging previous and ongoing research efforts. By investigating the impacts of clay on microbial, infaunal, and macrobenthic communities, as well as its socio-economic implications, this research seeks to address critical knowledge gaps and inform evidence-based strategies for mitigating the harmful effects of red tide. Additionally, the project emphasizes research opportunities for underrepresented students and comprehensive outreach programs to engage marginalized community members, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and equitable participation in coastal science endeavors.

Project received a no cost extension through 1/31/25. Significant progress has been achieved on the project; however, additional time is necessary to finalize lab work, complete data analysis, and prepare final reports. Field work concluded in March 2023, followed by the initiation of lab work and presentation of initial results at the Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation Annual Meeting in November 2023. Technical challenges have caused delays in sample processing and data analysis, with the expectation that lab work will be completed by May 2024. The PhD student supported by this grant will continue data analysis and manuscript finalization through the summer and fall of 2024, with final reports anticipated by January 2025.

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