Marine recreational fishing in Florida, involving millions of participants and generating billions in economic impact annually, faces threats from environmental degradation and fishing pressure. While stocking hatchery-reared fish is a common management measure, its effectiveness varies, highlighting the need for careful assessment and management. This project aims to establish a network of scientists and practitioners to enhance stocking initiatives through improved data analysis, modeling tools, and guidelines, ultimately maximizing positive outcomes while minimizing negative impacts on fisheries and ecosystems.
Project Team: Luiz Barbieri Ph.D.- Section Administrator FWRI, Edward V. Camp, Ph.D.- Assistant Professor UF, Chelsey Crandall, Ph.D.- Research Administrator FWRI, Jason Lemus, Ph.D.- Research Administrator FWRI, Joshua Patterson, Ph.D.- Associate Professor UF, Nicole Rhody, Ph.D.- Program Manager Mote Marine Laboratory, Ryan Schloesser, Ph.D.- Program Manager Mote Marine Laboratory, Laura Tiu, Ph.D. – Multi-County Extension Agent UF Florida Sea Grant Extension
Collaborator: FWRI, Mote Marine Laboratory, Coastal Conservation Association, Duke Energy, Crystal River Mariculture Center