Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant
Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant
Episode 50-Corals

Today on Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant: Corals  

Corals are animals that host algae called zooxanthellae, which give corals their colors and provide them food.  Corals produce a skeleton of calcium carbonate that builds reefs.  

Coral reefs are vital to Florida because they create habitats that host a large biodiversity of organisms and protect our coastlines from waves and storms.   

Coral reefs also generate over 8 billion dollars for Florida’s economy, primarily through tourism and fishing.   

Unfortunately, coral reefs face many threats, including coral bleaching and disease. Florida Sea Grant staff support the coordination of coral conservation efforts and create educational materials on coral disease and what you can do to help coral reefs, all available online.   

For information about this and other coastal topics, contact your county extension office or visit Florida Sea Grant at 

Season 1


Learn about all things marine and coastal science by listening to other episodes from this season of Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant.