Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant
Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant
Episode 46-Horseshoe Crabs

Today on Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant: Horseshoe CrabsHorseshoe crabs are “living fossils,” existing unchanged for at least 445 million years. 

They are ecologically important in our coastal environments, as their eggs are a major food source for migrating shorebirds. Horseshoe crabs gather in large groups on beaches when they nest, which in Florida takes place in the spring and fall. Unfortunately, horseshoe crab numbers are declining. 

How can you help horseshoe crabs? You can report tagged horseshoe crabs you see or get involved in surveying through the Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch citizen science program. In addition, if you find a horseshoe crab stranded upside down, gently flip it over by its shell – never grab them by the tail.  

For information about this and other coastal topics, contact your county extension office or visit Florida Sea Grant at 

Season 1


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