Streaming 60-Seconds of Science Every Week

Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant is a weekly one-minute radio series airing on WUFT FM every Wednesday morning at 8:20 AM ET.

marine science minute with florida sea grant program logo

This project is a true collaborative effort among the Florida Sea Grant team. The series was created by Dr. Savanna Barry, developed by members of the Shoreline, Estuarine and Aquatic Systems work action group, copywritten by Sarisha Boodoo, music by Victor Blanco, voiced by Ana Zangroniz, and produced and edited by Donielle Nardi.

Miss an episode on the radio? No problem! You can stream all aired episodes below.

Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant is a weekly one-minute radio series airing on WUFT FM every Wednesday morning at 8:20 AM EST.

marine science minute with florida sea grant program logo

This project is a true collaborative effort among the Florida Sea Grant team. The series was created by Dr. Savanna Barry, developed by members of the Shoreline, Estuarine and Aquatic Systems work action group, copywritten by Sarisha Boodoo, music by Victor Blanco, voiced by Ana Zangroniz, and produced and edited by Donielle Nardi.

Miss an episode on the radio? No problem! You can stream all aired episodes below.

Season 1


Learn about all things marine and coastal science by listening to other episodes from this season of Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant.

Latest Episode

Coming Apirl 3, 2024!

Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant
Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant
Episode 38-What Is A Y-valve?

Project Team

Meet the magnificent minds behind Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant.

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