Preserving The Future of Florida's Fisheries

The Florida Friendly Fishing Guide Certification Program, established by UF/IFAS, Florida Sea Grant and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, recognizes fishing guides who are committed to preserving the future of Florida’s fisheries through sustainable boating and fishing techniques.

This online certification course covers science-based techniques that ensure minimal environmental footprint of fishing. Participation in the Florida Friendly Fishing Guide program is voluntary, and the program involves no regulatory component. The course can be accessed via computer or smart phone and tablet. The course takes approximately four hours to complete and can be taken at your own pace in 20- to 30-minute chunks.

The certification is valid for three years. The $130 fee covers gear for the welcome packages for certified guides, program upkeep and evaluation, and administrative expenses such as web hosting. Once you complete the course, you can display your certification on your website and vessel, letting your customers know that you adhere to the highest environmental standards.

Course Topics & Benefits
  • Introduction to Fisheries Management
  • Best Practices for Catch and Release Fishing
  • Seafood Safety and Handling
  • Sustainable Waste Management and Fueling
  • Overview of Marine Ecology
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Sustainable On-board Materials
  • Giving Back to Fisheries Management and Research

For a peek into the curriculum, check out Best Practices For Florida Friendly Fishing Guides and Basic Requirements for Florida Fishing Guides.

Following completion of the course, certified guides receive a ‘Welcome Package’ that includes:

  1. Vessel Decals
  2. 5-gallon Caddy Can and Liner
  3. Seaqualizer Descending Device
  4. 100% Cotton Towel
  5. Z-Man Baits
  6. Hurricane Brand Dehooker
  7. Floating Keychain
  8. Listing on the FFFG Directory
  9. Promotional Social Media Post on Florida Sea Grant’s Accounts
  10. Entry into the Florida Friendly Fishing Guide Facebook Group
What Guides Are saying

Scholarships available

A limited number of scholarships for 50% off the course registration fee are available.

Please fill out the short application to be considered. 

Book With A Florida Friendly Fishing Guide

Search our statewide directory of certified Florida Friendly Fishing Guides to book your next outing with an eco-minded guide.

RegionGuideBusinessCity, StatePhoneEmailFacebookInstagramCertified/RecertifiedCurrent Through
NortheastCapt. Sam BakerSol Margin Fishing & Conservation FoundationSt. Augustine, FL904-201-9579sbaker@solmarginfishing.orgSol Margin Fishing & Conservation Foundation Facebook PageSol Margin Fishing Instagram PageNov-2023Nov-2026
NortheastCapt. Jim Britton

Salty Tales Fishing Charter

Palm Coast, FL386-931-1547Capt. Jim Britton Instagram PageSept-2020/Sept-2022Feb-2026
NortheastCapt. Chris Castle

Wide Open Charters and Guide Service

St. Augustine, FL904-669-3210Wide Open Charters and Guide Service Facebook PageJan-2021Jan-2024
NortheastCapt. Bill Duane

Playing Hooky Inshore Fishing

Jacksonville, FL904-479-6871Playing Hooky Inshore Fishing Facebook PageApr-2021/Sept-2022/Nov-2023Apr-2030
NortheastCapt. Tony FernandezJacksonville, FLAug-2021Aug-2024
NortheastCapt. Drew A. Hawkins

Bald Eagle Fishing Charters, LLC.

Palm Coast, FL, Bald Eagle Fishing Charters, LLC. Facebook PageMar-2020/Sept-2022Mar-2026
NortheastCapt. Jacob Hardy

Fishardy Charters

St. Augustine, FL904-315-4758 Fishardy Charters Facebook PageFeb-2020Feb-2023
NortheastCapt. Fred Laager

Shallow Water Fishing Company

St. Augustine, FL904-429-6558 Shallow Water Fishing Company Facebook PageApr-2021Apr-2024
NortheastCapt. Al Morris

First Coast Fishing Charters LLC

St. Augustine, FL904 655-7035 First Coast Fishing Charters LLC Facebook PageCapt. Al Morris Instagram PageApr-2021/Sept-2022Apr-2027
NortheastCapt. Frank Timmons, Jr.Off the Grid Fishing ChartersSt. Augustine, FL904-669-1475 Off The Grid Fishing Facebook PageMar-2020/Sept-2022Mar-2026
NortheastCapt. Chris BarrGreen Cove Springs, FL904-667-8858Jun-2022Jun-2025
Indian River LagoonCapt. Evan Sanders

Solfishing Charters

New Smyrna Beach, FL407-796-2088  Sol Fish Charters Facebook PageSol FIsh Charters Instagram PageJuly-2023July-2026
Indian River LagoonCapt. Adam Coniglio

Solfishing Charters

New Smyrna Beach, FL407-796-2088captainadam@solfishing.comSolfishing Charters Facebook PageMar-2023Mar-2026
Indian River Lagoon*John R. CaldwellAdventure Culture Education IncNew Smyrna Beach, FL502-532-1685Oct-2020/Sept-2022Oct-2026
Indian River LagoonCapt. Michael BundyAngler Management Fishing Charters and Aquatic Adventures LLC.Port Canaveral and Ponce Inlet, Angler Management Fishing Charters and Aquatic Adventures LLC. Facebook PageJun-2020Jun-2026
Indian River LagoonCapt Jeff Kraynik

The Coastal Sportsmen

Sebastian Inlet, FL321-863-9182The Coastal Sportsmen Facebook PageMar-2020Mar-2026
Indian River Lagoon*Capt. Drew Mixon

Grass Flats Mafia

Vero Beach, FL772-453-3989Grass Flats Mafia Facebook PageGrass Flats Mafia Instagram PageApr-2021/Sept-2022Apr-2027
Indian River LagoonCapt. Corey Simmons

On The Hook Charters

Daytona Beach, FL386-631-8030On The Hook Charters Facebook Page On The Hook Charters Instagram PageJan-2020/Sept-2022Jan-2026
Indian River Lagoon*Bruce SkerbetzSebastian Inlet, FL732-762-1693Aug-2020Aug-2023
Indian River LagoonCapt. Mark WoodMWoutdoors ChartersMelbourne Beach, FL321-394-1001May-2020/Sept-2022May-2026
Indian River LagoonCapt. Will Wolfson

Grassroots Guide Service

Melbourne Beach, FL407-620-5263Grassroots Guide Service Instagram PageOct-2021Oct-2024
Indian River Lagoon*Mathew Liberto

Fun Coast Fishing

DeLand, FL386-747-8390Matt.liberto16@gmail.comFun Coast Fishing Instagram PageJuly-2024July-2027
Panhandle*Patricia LawsonOff the Beatn Path Kayak ChartersMilton FL850-281-3445patriciahryniewicki@gmail.comMar-2022Mar-2025
Panhandle*John BottcherMonticello, FL850-728-6097Jan-2021/Sept-2022Jan-2027
PanhandleCapt. Cody Clauson

30A Inshore Charters

Santa Rosa Beach, FL850-699-001430A Inshore Charters Facebook Page30A Inshore Charters Instagram PageMar-2021/Sept-2022Mar-2027
PanhandleCapt. John EdgarEdgar Environmental, Inc.Pensacola, FL832-784-3038The Reef Commander Facebook PageEdgar Environmental, Inc Instagram PageJun-2021Jun-2026
PanhandleCapt. Jimmy Garibaldi

Twisted Anchor Charters LLC

Niceville, FL940-867-2448CaptainGaribaldi@gmail.comTwisted Anchor Charters Facebook PageTwisted Anchor Charters Instagram PageJan-2024Jun-2027
PanhandleCapt. Kevin Libby

Bust A Knot Charters

Carrabelle, FL850-879-3148Bust a Knot Facebook PageJan-2024Jun-2027
PanhandleCapt. Lance Moss

Strike Hunter Adventures

Niceville, FL 850-353-3997Strike Hunter Adventures Instagram PageMar-2021Mar-2024
PanhandleCapt. Hunter Ray

Florida Boy Adventures

Santa Rosa Beach, FL850-499-4473Florida Boy Adventures Facebook PageFlorida Boy Adventures Instagram PageAug-2020Aug-2023
PanhandleCapt. Chester Reese

Natural World Charters

Carrabelle, FL850-228-9060Jan-2021/Sept-2022Jan-2027
Panhandle*Blane Roberts

Panhandle Salt Beach Fishing Guide Service

Pensacola, FL305-910-9134mailto:info@panhandlesalt.comPanhandle Salt Beach Fishing Guide Service Facebook PagePanhandle Salt Guide Services Instagram PageMarch-2024March-2027
Panhandle*Rick Choate

Panhandle Salt Beach Fishing Guide Service

Pensacola, FL850-341-4307rickychoate@gmail.comPanhandle Salt Beach Fishing Guide Service Facebook PagePanhandle Salt Guide Services Instagram PageSep-2024Sep-2027
PanhandleCapt. Larry Shults

Twisted Palms Salty Adventures

Pensacola, FL606-416-2716twplmsaltyadventures@yahoo.comTwisted Palms Salty Adventures Facebook PageTwisted Palms Salty Adventures Instagram PageMay-2021/Sept-2022May-2027
Panhandle*Michael Smith

Smitty's Surf Fishing

Navarre, FL850-529-5405Smitty’s Surf Fishing Facebook PageSmitty’s Surf Fishing Instagram PageJune-2021/Sept-2022Jun-2027
PanhandleCapt. Ryan McMahonRyan McMahon Panhandle Surf Fishing GuideFreeport, FL763-360-7790serayfl@gmail.comRyan McMahon Panhandle Surf Fishing Guide Facebook PageJune-2024June-2027
PanhandleCapt. Tim Wilder

T-Man's Charters

Port St. Joe, FL850-227-5802T-Man's Charters Facebook PageBali Hai Charters Instagram PageFeb-2020Feb-2023
Panhandle*Mark RobinsonFort Walton Beach, FL937-631-6825markymarko7@yahoo.comMay-2022May-2025
PanhandleCapt. Lee Thompson

Shallow Seas Charters

Port St. Joe, FL850-247-0799shallowseascharters@gmail.comShallow Seas Charters Facebook PageShallow Seas Charters Instagram PageSep-2022Sep-2026
PanhandleCapt. Dwight "Deuce" MinnickEglin Airforce Base, FL850-333-1797ddm1@minnickagency.comMy Best Day Fishing Charters Facebook PageApr-2022Apr-2026
Big Bend*Jeff BlantonBienville PlantationWhite Springs, FL229-292-4587Aug-2020/Sept-2022Aug-2026
Big BendMatthew Cook

Wild West Fishing Charters

Homosassa, Fl352-287-2098fishycook3@yahoo.comMarch-2024March-2027
Big Bend*Bob CutBob's BoatsSt. Marks. FL850-925-1166Sep-2020Sep-2023
Big BendCapt. Katie Jo Davis

KD Outdoors Fishing Charters

Yankeetown, FL772-882-8932 KD Outdoors Fishing Charters Facebook PageKD Outdoors Fishing Charters Instagram PageJune-2021/Sept-2022Jun-2026
Big BendCapt. Bryan Frechette

Fish Hunter Tours

Crystal River, FL352-697-2874 Fish Hunter Tours Facebook PageFish Hunter Tours Instagram PageOct-2019/Sept-2022Oct-2025
Big BendCapt. Andrew Hammond

Big Bite Charters

Homosassa, FL404-803-8608 Big Bite Charters Facebook PageBig Bite Charters Instagram PageMar-2021Mar-2024
Big BendCapt. Dave Huston

Huston Outdoor Adventures

Crystal River, FL352-427-4814Huston Outdoor Adventures Facebook PageHuston Outdoor Adventures Instagram PageAug-2019/Sept-2022Aug-2027
Big BendCapt. Paul Kolacia

PT Airboat Adventures

Homosassa, FL352-262-4490PT Airboat Adventures Facebook PagePT Airboat Adventures Instagram PageAug-2020Aug-2023
Big Bend*Capt. Brandon LeggettBrandon Leggett Freshwater Kayak ChartersWildwood, FL352-459-9315tbleggett10@gmail.comJan-2024Jan-2027
Big BendCapt. David Maki

Finntastick Charters

Homosassa, FL352-601-1525Finntastickcharters@gmail.comFinntastick Charters Facebook PageFeb-2020/Sept-2022Feb-2026
Big BendCapt. Kyle Messier

Reel Florida Fishing Adventures

Crystal River, FL352-634-4002 Reel Florida Fishing Adventures Facebook PageReel Florida Fishing Adventures Instagram PageAug-2020/Sept-2022Aug-2026
Big BendCapt. Michael NeuSalt Marsh ChartersHigh Springs, FL615-971-9536Salt Marsh Charters Instagram PageSep-2020Sep-2023
Big BendCapt. Kyle Skipper

Marker One Flats Charters

Steinhatchee, FL352-317-1654Marker One Flats Charters Facebook PageMarker One Flats Charters Instagram PageAug-2020/Sept-2022Aug-2026
Big BendCapt. Kate SprattCaptain Kate Spratt ChartersHomosassa, FL352-400-9747 Captain Kate Spratt Charters Facebook PageApr-2020/Sept-2022Apr-2026
Big Bend*Brian Stauffer

Fishhead Kayak Charters

Homosassa, FL352-442-4311Fishhead Kayak Charters Instagram PageSept-2019/Sept-2022Sep-2025
Big BendCapt. Denny Voyles

Voyles Guide Service

Cedar Key, FL352-339-2034Aug-2020/Sept-2022Aug-2026
Big BendCapt. Nick Warrington

High Octane Fishing

Crystal River, FL352-212-5070 High Octane Fishing Facebook PageNov-2019/Sept-2022Nov-2025
Big BendCapt. Brent Woodard

Reel Native Fishing Charters

Horseshoe Beach, FL352-284-5514 Reel Native Fishing Charters Facebook PageReel Native Fishing Charters Instagram PageAug-2020Aug-2023
Big BendHenry Bireline

Kingfisher Kayak Adventures

Gainesville, FL352-448-8101Dec-2021/Sept-2022Dec-2027
Big BendCapt. Memphis Zachry

Fish Crystal River, LLC

Crystal River, FL352-212-8327Fish Crystal River, LLC Facebook PageFish Crystal River, LLC Instagram PageOct-2021/Sept-2022Oct-2027
Big BendCapt. Chris Wagoner

Outdoors with Capt. Chris Wagoner

Ozello to Steinhatchee, FL352-278-1054chris@outdoorswithcw.comOutdoors with Capt. Chris Wagoner Facebook PageOutdoors with Chris Wagoner Instagram PageAug-2022Aug-2025
Big BendCapt. Randy Matheny

Muddy Tail Charters

Eustis, FL352-551-6304muddytailcharters@gmail.comOutdoors with Capt. Chris Wagoner Facebook PageMuddy Tail ChartersSep-2022Sep-2025
Big Bend*Patrick Abbott

PJ's Kayak Fishing & Adventures

Williston, FL352-681-0986pjkayaking@gmail.comSep-2022Sep-2025
Big BendZachery Davis

Banded Marsh Outdoors

Leesburg, Banded Marsh Outdoors Facebook PageBanded Marsh Outdoors Instagram PageFeb-2023Feb-2026
Big BendCapt. Garrett Kofmehl

Poon Point Company

Crystal River, FL 352-257-1981kofmehl.garrett@yahoo.comPoonpointfishingcompany_Dec 2024Dec 2027
Big BendCapt. Blake Shidler

Hang Em' High Sportfishing

Crystal River, FL352-586-1997blakeshidler@outlook.comHang Em' High Sportfishing Facebook PageHangemhighsportfishing352Dec 2024Dec 2027
Big BendCapt. David Case

Hang Em' High Sportfishing

Crystal River, FL352-601-1973david.acase@yahoo.comHang Em' High Sportfishing Facebook PageHangemhighsportfishing352Jan 2025Jan 2028
Big BendCapt. Bobbi Brady

Florida Saltwater Flats Fishing Charters

Steinhatchee, FL352-318-8429slotreds@gmail.comFlorida Saltwater Flats Fishing Charters Facebook PageFeb-2025Feb-2028
West CentralCapt. Christopher Barton

Reel Diversion Charters

Bradenton, FL941-405-9689 Reel Diversion Charters Facebook PageReel Diversion Charters Instagram PageSep-2020Sep-2023
West CentralCapt. Josh Bibler

Captain Bibbs Fishing Charters

Palmetto, FL 941-840-1008Captain Bibbs Fishing Charters Facebook PageCaptain Bibbs Fishing Charters Instagram PageFeb-2020Feb-2023
West CentralCapt. Brandon Csaszar

Anclote Charters

Tarpon Springs, FL727-741-3394Anclote Charters Facebook PageAnclote Charters Instagram PageMay-2021/Sept-2022May-2027
West Central*John Cento

Nature Tours USA

Clermont, FL,352-432-2140Dec-2020/Sept-2022(Survey)/Nov-2023Dec-2029
West CentralCapt. Jeremy Frioud

Frioud Family Charters

Clearwater, FL727-492-7362Apr-2021Apr-2024
West CentralCapt. Jim GalbraithFlorida MemoriesSt. Petersburg, FL813-499-4608Florida Memories Facebook PageSept-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
West Central*Buddy HarrisonEcoTrek Family Fishing and Kayak ToursTampa, FL813-928-3806Oct-2020/Sept-2022Oct-2026
West CentralCapt. Charlie Howell

Ebb & Flow Charters

Tampa, FL813-598-1191Ebb & Flow Charters Facebook PageEbb & Flow Charters Instagram PageJun-2020/Sept-2022Jun-2026
West Central*Capt. Arthur Jackson

AJ's Bass Guides

Orlando, FL407-288-9670AJ’s Bass Guides Facebook PageAJ’s Bass Guides Instagram PageDec-2024Dec-2027
West CentralCapt. Steve Johnson

Flats Snookin Inshore Charters LLC

Port Richey, FL727-207-6067Flats Snookin Inshore Charters Facebook PageFlats Snookin Inshore Charters LLC Instagram PageMar-2021Mar-2024
West CentralCapt. Scott MooreMoore FishingAnna Maria, FL941-713-1921captscottkm@aol.comMoore Fishing Charters Facebook PageAug-2020/Sept-2022Aug-2026
West CentralCapt. Kevin MurphyCowboys Trophy ChartersLargo, FL513-507-3726ktmurphy255@gmail.comSept-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
West CentralCapt. Parker PopeInternational SailorsTampa, FL813-382-2216 International Sailors Facebook PageMay-2024May-2027
West CentralCapt. Douglas C. Ricciardi

Tearin Em Up! Fishing Charters & Nature Tours

Sarasota, FL941-587-6150Sep-2020Sep-2023
West CentralCapt. Zac Tapp

Niche Fishing Charters, LLC

Bradenton, FL561-308-1398Aug-2020/Sept-2022Aug-2026
West Central*Joseph UrbinoReel Honor FishingHudson, FLAug-2021Aug-2024
West CentralCapt. Michael B. Yonker

Florida Sailing and Powerboat School and Charters

Sarasota, FL941-500-2485Florida Sailing and Powerboat School and Charters Facebook PageMar-2020/Sept-2022Mar-2026
West CentralCapt. Brian Riley

Anclote Adventures

Tarpon Springs, FL813-629-2308brian@ancloteadventures.comAnclote Adventures Facebook PageAnclote Adventures Instagram PageJun-2020Jun-2023
West CentralCapt. Matt KarwoskiMow Fish ChartersBelleair Beach, FL727-331-1700brian@ancloteadventures.comJuly-2022/Sept-2022Jul-2028
West CentralCapt. George Douglas Higgs

Sun Chaser Charters

Tampa, FL813-363-1239serayfl@gmail.comSun Chaser Charters Facebook PageJuly-2024July-2027
West CentralCapt. Houston Thomas

SaltLick Outfitters LLC

St. Pete, FL813-375-1033houston@guideswetrust.comSaltLick Outfitters Facebook PageMarch 2025March 2028
SouthwestCapt. Debbie Hanson


Estero, FL239-233-4930debbie@shefishes2.comSheFishes2SheFishes2 Instagram PageJan-2023Jan-2026
SouthwestCapt. Colin Carpenter

Native Guides

Captiva, FL239-822-3337bigwatercharters@gmail.comJan-2023Jan-2026
SouthwestCapt. Bo Bartholomew

In the Loop Fishing Charters

Pineland, FL239-357-5104Apr-2021Apr-2024
SouthwestCapt. Christian Hunter Brown

Hunter Brown Charters

Boca Grande, FL941-735-1820Hunter Brown Charters Facebook PageSept-2019/Sept-2022Sep-2025
Southwest*Corey W. Campbell

Florida National Parks Association (Big Cypress Institute)

Ochopee, FL239-719-2483Florida National Parks Association (Big Cypress Institute) Facebook Page Instagram PageSep-2020Sep-2023
SouthwestCapt. Rich Damianos

Reel Rich Fishing

Punta Gorda, FL607-327-0221Reel Rich Fishing Facebook PageOct-2019/Sept-2022Oct-2025
SouthwestCapt. John Dant

Get Some Charters

Everglades City/Naples, FL239-331-0209Get Some Charters Facebook PageApr-2020/Sept-2022Apr-2026
Southwest*Capt. Larry DeHaysDeHays Charters (non-fishing eco-tours)Sanibel, FL239-691-7623Oct-2020/Sept-2022Oct-2026
SouthwestCapt. Becca deRosaKids' Needs of Greater EnglewoodEnglewood, FL315-256-6613bcderosa63@gmail.comOct-2020Oct-2023
SouthwestCapt. Kenny DiBiaseFlorida Freedom ChartersSanibel, FL239-476-2904Florida Freedom Charters Facebook PageOct-2020Oct-2023
SouthwestCapt. Daniel T. EdwardsAmVetChartersPunta Gorda, FL941-268-0810AmVetCharters Facebook PageNov-2020/Sept-2022Nov-2026
SouthwestCapt. Van Hubbard

Family Fun Fishing

Englewood, FL941-468-4017Family Fun Fishing Facebook PageJuly-2020/Sept-2022Jul-2026
SouthwestCapt. Jeff JarrPunta Gorda, FLSep-2021Sep-2024
SouthwestCapt. Joe McNichols

Show and Tell Charters

Everglades City, FL239-821-3305Aug-2020Aug-2023
SouthwestCapt. Chris Newberry

Outcast Charter Company

Ponce de Leon/Punta Gorda Isles, FL941-628-0359Outcast Charter Company Facebook PageNov-2019Nov-2022
SouthwestCapt. Barry Nicholls

Capt. Barry Cuda Charters

Naples, FL239-860-7227Capt. Barry Cuda Charters Facebook PageNov-2020/Sept-2022Nov-2026
SouthwestCapt. Harold Roebuck III

Go on the Water Charters

Venice, FL863-381-6734Go on the Water Charters Facebook PageMar-2021/Sept-2022Mar-2027
SouthwestCapt. Bill Schwalm

Better Days Charter Service

St. James City, FL239-887-1494Sept-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
SouthwestCapt. William SchwartzmillerPort of the Islands ChartersNaples, FL239-642-8818Mar-2020/Sept-2022Mar-2026
SouthwestCapt. Don TaylorBack Bay ChartersPunta Rassa, FL239-850-9569Oct-2020/Sept-2022Oct-2026
SouthwestCapt. Scott WilhelmBokeelia, FL941-979-0110Apr-2021/Sept-2022Apr-2027
SouthwestCapt. Bobby Woodard

Fly Em High Charters

Boca Grande, FL863-224-1418 Fly ‘Em High Charters Facebook PageFeb-2022Feb-2025
SouthwestCapt. Joe Savoca

Estero Bay Adventures

Fort Myers FL215-534-0275Estero Bay Adventures Facebook PageApr-2022/Sept-2022Apr-2028
SouthwestCapt. Rick Harrison Jr.Gulf and Grove Fly FishingEnglewood, FL941-237-9492bcderosa63@gmail.comJune-2021/Sept-2022Jun-2027
SouthwestCapt. Roger Gendron

Drop Your Fly Fishing

Punta Gorda, Drop Your Fly Fishing Facebook PageNov-2022Nov-2025
Southwest*Jorge Gonzalez

JJ Everglades Tours LLC

Miami, FL561-690-2008jjevergladestours@gmail.comJJswampking Instagram PageOct-2024Oct-2027
SouthwestCapt. Mark Freeman

Gulf coast Anglers

Punta Gorda, FL941-585-2076mark@gulfcoastanglers.comCaptainmarkfreemanDec 2024Dec 2027
SouthCapt. Brian Branigan

Keys Boat Tours

Big Pine Key, FL306-699-7166 Keys Boat Tours Facebook PageAug-2020Aug-2023
SouthCapt. Diego Cordova

Flat Out Sportfishing

Marathon, FL305-395-1228Flat Out Sportfishing Facebook PageFlat Out Sportfishing Instagram PageFeb-2020/Sept-2022Feb-2026
SouthCapt. Bob Dorchak

Medicine Man Fishing Charters of the Lower Keys

Summerland Key, FL305-900-7488June-2020/Sept-2022Jun-2026
SouthCapt. Charlie Filpes

Key Largo Adventures

Islamorada, FL305-975-4885Key Largo Adventures Facebook PageKey Largo Adventures Instagram PageApr-2020Apr-2023
SouthCapt. Steve Friedman

A Fishing Guide LLC

Islamorada, FL305-393-3474A Fishing Guide LLC Instagram PageOct-2020/Sept-2022Oct-2026
SouthCapt. Chris Gowens

Koko Charters

Key West, FL305-992-8517Koko Charters Instagram PageNov-2020/Sept-2022Nov-2026
South*Jim HarmonSchool of FishFt. Lauderdale, FL561-376-0574School of Fish Instagram PageSep-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
SouthCapt. Dax HallockCoast2Coast Charters LLC786-760-1006Sept-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
SouthCapt. Willie Howard

Capt. Willie's Charters

Riviera Beach, FL561-307-3047Capt. Willie’s Charters Facebook PageCapt. Willie’s Charters Instagram PageMar-2020Mar-2023
SouthCapt. Clyde Morgan Jewett

Flats Angler, LLC. Florida Backcountry Fishing

Islamorada, FL305-790-5526Flats Angler, LLC. Instagram PageJul-2020Jul-2023
SouthCapt. Kyle Kelso

All Water Charters

Key West, FL305-509-2201All Water Charters Facebook PageAll Water Charters Instagram PageJun-2020/Sept-2022Jun-2026
SouthCapt. Ron LawsonRiver Keys FishingCudjoe Key, FL717-571-0179Mar-2020Mar-2023
SouthCapt. John M. Miller

Calypso Charters

Ramrod Key, FL305-735-4951Calypso Charters Facebook PageCalypso Charters Instagram PageSept-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
SouthCapt. Rich MitchellPhase One Backcountry ChartersIslamorada, FL305-393-0729Sept-2020/Sept-2022Sep-2026
SouthCapt. Bill Taylor

Black Dog Fishing Charters

Jupiter, FL561-744-5700Black Dog Fishing Charters Facebook PageBlack Dog Fishing Charters Instagram PageDec-2024Dec-2027
South*Johann Barata786-715-6282Oct-2021Oct-2024
SouthCapt. Christopher Lenahan

Oracle Expeditions Fly Fishing And Light Tackle Charters

Riviera Beach FL561-444-6970oracleexpeditions@gmail.comOracle Expeditions Fly Fishing And Light Tackle Charters Facebook PageOracle Expeditions Fly Fishing And Light Tackle Charters Instagram PageApr-2022May-2025
SouthCapt. Scott Ray


Key Largo, FL305-431-5179serayfl@gmail.comSea2Table - Scott E. RaySep-2022Sep-2025

Listed guides have completed an educational course and pledged that they were clear of resource-related fish and wildlife violations for 3 or more years prior to their certification date. They were also checked for appropriate state licensing at the time of certification. Guides who operate fishing charters from motorized vessels in saltwater are required to have both a valid Merchant Mariner credential from the US Coast Guard as well as hold state fishing charter license(s) issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Guides who operate in federal waters might be subject to additional licensing; FSG does not have the ability to verify federal licensing.

*An asterix denotes guides who operate fishing trips solely from kayaks, shore, or only on inland freshwater bodies are not required to carry state fishing charter licensing. Similarly, guides who charter tours from motorized vessels that do not involve fishing must hold a Merchant Mariner credential from the US Coast Guard (earning them the title “Capt.”) and operate a vessel that is registered commercially, but are not required to carry a state fishing charter license. Charter vessels carrying more than 12 passengers must undergo inspection by the US Coast Guard.

If you are curious about a guide’s credentials, please do not hesitate to inquire.

Thank you to our


Interested in becoming a sponsor? Your contribution will directly support program logistics, gear kits for guides and promotional materials. Contact Mike Sipos for more information.

Contact Us

Got questions about the Florida Friendly Fishing Certification Program? Reach out to our regional contacts listed below.