Take A Bite Out Of Marine Science

Tailored to non-scientific audiences, Bite-sized Science webinars are easily digestible talks on coastal and marine science topics.

Each season, Florida Sea Grant and UF/IFAS Extension host a series of 30-minute webinars designed to give participants the opportunity to improve their understanding of different marine and coastal topics and ask experts questions.

The theme of the 2022 season of Bite-sized Science focused on participatory science, also called “citizen science” or “community science.” Talks highlighted the science behind statewide participatory science  projects helping to better understand or protect Florida’s coasts. Recorded webinars can be found below.



 The Science Behind Citizen Science View recording
 Scallop Sitters and the Great Scallop Search View recording
 Diamonds in the Panhandle View recording
 Artificial Reef Monitoring View recording
 Great Goliath Grouper Count View recording 
 Marine Debris View recording
 Reporting Dolphin Fishing Interactions View recording
 Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch View recording
 Phytoplankton Monitoring Network View recording

Meet The BSS Team

Bite-sized Science is produced by Florida Sea Grant UF/IFAS extension agents.